Saturday, August 9, 2008

Newport With The Fam

So there I was minding my own business, when out of the blue came this rogue phone call from Rick. He was calling to let me know that he and his family were coming up to visit. So while they were up here they wanted to go to the coast and stay for a couple of days. While they were out there I wanted to stay overnight with them but my truck decided to break and needed to go to the hospital, sad:( So I just went out for the day.It was cold and foggy but we still had fun. I was very surprised, little miss shy Hailey decided that I was ok and wanted to hang out with me and Charlie (she even chose me over Rick at one point).
So anyway good times were had by all. Oh, right I almost forgot, I also booked my deep sea tuna fishing trip; best idea ever!!